Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Does It Matter?

I am sitting in my office. It is around 6:40pm on Tuesday August 28, 2007. That is correct. It is Tuesday, but does it matter? I have a lodge meeting to go to in about 45 minutes, but does it matter? I had a frozen dinner for supper tonight, but does it matter?
I just went back and fixed all the “dots” that should have been question marks”, but does that matter?

I guess what I am getting at is that for some time now, I noticed more and more people trying to “fit-in” or rush or even stress over the smallest things. When only thing that really matters is that we are here to please God.

I caught my self from time to time recently just worrying over the littlest things instead of trying to “save the world”.. (Or in most cases, make it a little more pleasant for others)

Well this month I had the opportunity to baptize two young kids and another is set to be baptizing soon. I tell you what. You want to get a perceptive on life..
Watch a young child hear, learn and accept Jesus Christ.. That is what matters!

Been A While…

It has been a while since I last posted... I have been busy working on Brady’s room...well; sort of... anyway we are almost done... I am hoping to have it finished this weekend. I am going to work hard on Sat and Sun and Mon and Tuesday..

Anyway I am going to think of something to blogg about..

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The L Train

The “torch” has been passed!!.. Brady made the Harrison County Middle School football team and we are very excited!... I knew he would have no problem making it.. But I think the thing that made his mom and me the proudest was that he went to his coach and said that he would either have to leave early or not show up on Wednesday nights, because it was his Bible study time with his youth group at church..

It is nice to see that even though he can be a “typical” pre-teen.. He still knows what his priorities are..

Side note - He is joining his schools FCA (Fellowship of Christian Atletes) way to go Brady Love... I mean "L Train"

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Thomas the Train Engine

You want to make a 2 year old smile... Show up with a box that has Thomas the train in it or Percy the mail carrier or even James the freight hauler.. You can’t forget Toby the older steam engine and of course the day is not completed unless you get instructions from Sir Toppenhat.

Well that is how I start my day with Landon.. We get down on the floor and play with the train sets.. But what is even funnier or should I say very cute, is when he says his bed time prayers and includes with mom and dad, are Thomas, Percy, James..