Friday, December 04, 2020

Hero Behind The Glasses


A Hero Behind The Glasses

Superman is my favorite superhero. In the movie, Man of Steel, they reveal that the 'S' on his chest isn't an 'S' at all, but rather represents a Kryptonian symbol for Hope.

I like that.

And when you're a kid, you throw on a red cape, some blue pants, and wear your underwear on the outside. You run around trying to save cats from trees and pretending to fly.

Boy, that was fun.

But lets cut to adulthood. If you show up to work like that (and it's not Halloween), people are going to throw you in the loony bin.

But I think we're all missing something. We're missing the one thing that makes Superman greater than any other hero. He was born the way he is, and chooses to lead humanity not through his examples as Superman, but through his examples as Clark Kent.

Stick with me here for a second, because this is a crucial point that I don't think they even get into in any of the comic books, but I think they should.

Superman is a god. Period. He can do things no mortal man can. He has love, adoration and immense power. And what does he choose to do with it?  He chooses mild-mannered Clark Kent.

He chooses to stumble when others walk strong. He wears glasses when others have perfect vision. He bumbles his words when he's perfectly fluent. 

In short, he makes others feel like superheroes, rather than showing off his own abilities. 

It's the way we should tried to live our lives. Make others feel smarter, more powerful, and richer than us. Why? Because it makes them feel comfortable, and better about themselves, other words; when we are building up someone's self-esteem, we in turn feel encouraged. 

Why would I wear some fancy clothes and a shiny watch when it's only going to make other people feel bad about themselves. No. I'd rather wear a simple white t-shirt, basketball shorts, and tell them something I really admire about them.

The goal isn't to be a superhero. It's to make OTHERS FEEL LIKE SUPERHEROS. 

So instead of trying to be like Superman, maybe we should all try to be a little more like Clark Kent.
