Hello good folks..
Well it has been a few days since my last post.. So I thought I would entertain you with my amazing news from last night..
To make it fun lets go by time.. shall we..
2:15pm - Landon is watching Scooby - Doo in my bedroom and we both fall asleep.. Alex is taking his nap and Brady is playing the Wii..
3:00pm - I wake up and decided to put some cloths in washer.. but first I will take a piece of chicken from the crock pot.. it smells so good!!!
3:05pm - Something doesn't feel right as I head down to the basement.. I cant swallow.. (oh no here we go)
4:00pm - I tried for almost and hour chicken still caught.. call Cathy she is on her way home..
4:30pm - Head to the ER again...
5:30pm - Head upstairs at the hospital to the surgery floor.. Same team as last time in Sept.. they remember me.. Jeff (the "gas man") starts to laugh..
6:30pm - They wake me up.. and the chicken is out..
I found out that I have to go back for surgery on Feb 2 to have my esophagus stretched.. that should make for a fun Monday..
The End
Ps.. Why titled it Roast Beef - Pork and Chicken
they were the three major meats that got caught