Thursday, March 29, 2007

Number 21 In Your Program…But Number 1 in Our Hearts

Tonight I went to my friend and fellow church member, Kayla’s (AKA Lois Lane) softball game. Even though her team (Bracken County Lady Polar Bears) lost tonight, it was still a very exciting game. As soon as I got home tonight I had to tell Cathy. I knew Kayla was a good pitcher, but I had no idea that she was so dominate. She would speed that ball down to home plate and I thought for sure I heard the fire trucks follow. Cause she was burning it down the line!!
Everyone knows I am not much of a sports person, I really don’t know the difference between sport things. So what caught my attention the most (besides her amazing arm and how fast she would throw the ball) was her attitude. She would always smile and if she made a mistake she wouldn’t let it get to her. This one player on the other team got hurt and Kayla was the first one there to help her out. In Upward Sports, you get a White Star for “Most Christ Like,”
Kayla, tonight you earned your White Star. I am proud of you! Keep on keeping on

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Not Yet

Today we had to take Cathy to the hospital, and I thought for sure this was it. But Alexander just isn’t ready to leave yet. They monitored her and they said she is doing fine. So we came home.

I will post the funny details of our visit next time. I am tired I have to go to bed.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Baby Got Book (OFFICIAL)

Oh my goodness!!!

The Mail Man

The other day I was sending out some encouragement cards and letters to some of our students and families here at Antioch Mills Christian Church. Then I had a brilliant idea! I would send Cathy a “Love-Letter” in the mail. But oddly it came back to me. Here is what happened..
I gave a letter to the post man, he put it his sack.Bright and early next morning, he brought my letter back.She wrote upon it:
Return to sender, address unknown.No such number, no such zone.We had a quarrel, a lovers' spat,I'd write "I'm sorry" but my letter keeps coming back.
So when I dropped it in the mailbox, I sent it "Special D"Bright and early next morning, it came right back to me.She wrote upon it:
Return to sender, address unknown.No such person, no such zone.
This time I'm gonna take it myself And put it right in her handAnd if it comes back the very next dayThen I'll understand.The writing on it:
Return to sender, address unknown.No such person, no such zone.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Got Any Toast?

I love eggs. I like to eat fried eggs like this with some can corn beef hash. Just sitting here thinking about it is making me hungry. I am thinking about going upstairs and making me an egg and toast snack. I would make some eggs and corn beef hash but we don’t have any corn beef hash. I am limited to the amount of “junk-food” Cathy will allow me to buy. So this week I bought some “Andy Capps’s” Hot Fries and Twinkies and Vienna Sausages, a couple of cans of Beanie Weenies, some Soda Pop some Ice Cream cones some Spaghetti O’s (the ones with meat balls) and some Pop – Tarts. so I couldn't buy the corn beef hash.

Cathy and I go grocery shopping together from now on.


Check this out... Tonight after Bible study I came home and after putting Landon and Brady to bed I watched M*A*S*H on TV. Afterwards I headed down stairs to “what was once" Man-Land to put some cloths in the dryer. While I was there I thought I would check out You Tube. Anyway, I was at my desk when all of a sudden I heard this…
“Meow – gurgle – cough – cough – spit – spit – hack – hack – barf.” At first I thought maybe Cathy was behind me. (Ha-ha just kidding) But in fact it was one of our cats (Marbles) throwing up some hair and food (other words Barfing)
But the thing that made me stop and think, was that the other cat (Spot) ran over and ate it all up. I turned and looked at Spot and he sort of gave me a “cat-smile” and burped.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Abbott and Costello

This is a classic!!!

Why Not

think sometimes we as “humans” can be too serious at times. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in “the world” that I forget there are some funny things out there. Take for instance this monkey.
I have no clue what he is so “freaked-out” about. Sometimes I can feel like this little fellow. I wonder if I look like that after a “stressful” day.

(Oh yea and no comments like: “You look like that all the time” or “Hey when did the church directory pictures get in” (ha-ha))

It’s Going.. Going..Gone!

Thought I give a “shout – out” to my homie Kayla. Her softball season is underway. So GOOD LUCK partner!


Well, I am up a little late tonight thinking about some things I have to do this week. I will go to sleep in about 15 minutes or so. But I was on the net here surfing around and checking out some coins and what - not. When I had this idea to look up some old Army Units I served in. I found some pretty interesting things.
So what is with the box of “Frosty Flakes?” I really don’t know. I thought it would be cool to talk about them for a while. I like Frosty Flakes, they are quite tasty. I believe the best part is the warm sugar tasting milk it leaves behind. I also like the fact that it has a nice “crunch” sound as well.

That is all.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Meal Time Fun

Today Cathy made a spiral ham for lunch with beans and mash taters. I wasn’t really hungry so I decided to do what any mature adult would do. I sat there and made “food –art.” This is Henry; I made Henry out of mashed taters, and bits of ham and added beans for the eyes. Notice the little hat I made for Henry.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Flying Fortress

Cathy has a friend who lives at the nursing home where she works. I go up there now and then and talk with him. He was a B-17 Bomber pilot in WWII. He has some amazing pictures. So I thought it would be pretty cool to make a special post for him.

History: The B-17, arguably World War II's most famous heavy bomber, first flew on July 28, 1935, before a crowd of reporters eager to see Boeing's new bomber take wing. It was dubbed the "Flying Fortress" by the members of the press in attendance because of its (at least for the time) heavy defensive armament. The prototype crashed in October, but because of its impressive speed and handling the US Army Air Corps (USAAC) decided to continue testing anyway. They ordered 13 YB-17s for further evaluation, a decision that would prove momentous in years to come.The YB-17 had five machine guns, room for 4,800 pounds of bombs and a crew of nine. It had electrically retractable landing gear. After testing the YB-17, an improved prototype, the Y1B-17, was built with Wright Cyclone radial engines. Twelve were delivered to the USAAC's 2nd Bombardment Group for trials. One of these was soon equipped with new Moss/General Electric turbochargers that became standard on all future Flying Fortresses. The first production order was for 39 B-17Bs with turbo-charged engines, and as soon as these were under production another order for the B-17C was placed, with seven machine guns instead of the original five.
The RAF received their first B-17Cs in 1941, and were soon conducting daylight raids over Germany. The defensive armament soon proved inadequate, and the B-17's altitude was little defense against the German fighters. Orders for the B-17D were soon placed with self-sealing fuel tanks and more armor because of lessons learned in bombing missions over Europe. The B-17E and B-17F soon followed with larger tail. The B-17F was the first to serve with the USAAF 8th Air Force. After suffering staggering losses in late 1943, analysis proved head-on attacks by enemy fighters were a distinct problem. The final major version, the B-17G, added a chin turret with dual machineguns. This gave the B-17 a defensive armament of 13 guns.
After the war, several dozen B-17s lived on as fire-bombers and aerial surveyors until the last one was retired in the 1970s. Today, a few B-17s have been restored to their wartime splendor. Eleven are currently flying in the United States, one in the UK and another one in France

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

"Thank you for Loving Me"

The other day Cathy and I were talking, and she asked me if I ever thought I would have three kids. To be honest with you I said, I never really thought about it much. But now that I am sitting here thinking, I think it is pretty awesome. I was going through some internet stuff just surfing a bit before I head to bed. I just got done watching M*A*S*H and Cathy and the boys headed to bed. I came down to “Man-Land” or what it used to be. Now it is Brady’s new room, Landon’s and Alexander’s play area and Cathy’s “Work – Out” world. So while I was surfing the net, I came across this music video. We heard this song before while we were in the car. So I thought I would post it. Cathy likes to read my blogs at work and at home. So I thought this would be nice for her.
In a few weeks (maybe around 2-3) Alexander will be here. I guess I am pretty lucky to have such a great family. Who despite my “goofiness” still think I am a pretty cool dad and husband.

What’s Up Butter-Cup

The other day Landon and I were watching some TV when we seen an advertisement for a Bugs Bunny movie. He started to laugh every time Bugs came on TV.

Is there a point to this story? No, I just couldn’t figure out what else to say right now. Oh I could get into the whole “I think Cathy may have the baby (Alexander) any day now” story. But I will save it.

Well I guess I am out of here.
Remember to “Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars”

Monday, March 12, 2007

Spring! Ba-Humbug

I have allergies and I can’t breathe or sleep. Any seasonal allergist out there? I take Allegra in the morning, some kind of nose spray in the afternoon and to help me sleep at night I take another pill. But guess what? It doesn’t work anyway. I am still stuffed up and hurting.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

And I Am With You, Even Till The End Of Time

We ended our Upward Basketball / Cheerleading Ministry 2007 yesterday with a BANG!!
We had an incredible turn out for our closing program. I have to admit, it was an awesome fun time. Just a special “thank you” to everyone who had a part in this year’s Upward Ministry. As we have begun planting seeds in over 140 children and their families, my prayer is that they remember “That Jesus is the way, the truth and the life”

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Speed Racer *Original* 1960's Trans-Lux Opening Sequence

Just too cool..I love Speed Racer

Would You Like Fries With That?

Tonight after our last Upward Basketball make up game, I was in the living room. Cathy was sitting beside me, we had just put both the boys to bed and I was watching M*A*S*H on TV. When she said “Lonnie, lets talk about something.” I was like “ok, no problem, this is almost over."
Anyway when M*A*S*H was over, we started talking about switching Landon’s and Brady’s rooms around so we can make more room for Alexander (new edition). She thought it would be better to go ahead and finished the basement and move Brady down there. Brady had mentioned it earlier tonight. I told her that was funny, because Kevin said the same thing, “Why don’t you move Brady down to the basement”? So, that is what we are going to do. For the next few months we are going to remodel the basement and put Brady's new room down there. Now we won’t use the whole basement for him. We still want to have a place for the boys to play and Cathy to do her work-out exercise things. But I am excited now about the project. I went and got out my tool-belt and I am wearing it while I type this blog.
So until next time…. “Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars!”

I’ve Fallen And I Can’t Get Up

Well I am back from the “Weekend To Remember Conference,” and it was an awesome event, but I will post more about that later. Right now I want to give a shout out to a buddy of mine who has been sick. (actually there are two friends of mine who are sick, but this buddy (Kayla) reads my blog, I think my other buddy does too, I am not for sure)
Any way, I hope you feel better soon Kayla!! And my other buddy, I hope you feel better soon too!!

Monday, March 05, 2007

New k-fee car commercial

If you seen the last post, you will love this "new and improved" one. (You must watch the last post "New Car" to enjoy this)

New Car

This reminds me of the time Cathy and I took a quiet ride in the country. A great "date" idea for all couples.

Friday, March 02, 2007

On Our Way

Well Cathy and I will be on our way for the Weekend To Remember conference in about 30 minutes.
I hope we can get a chance to do some shopping on our “Date Night” there is a pretty good coin shop up there. By the way for those who didn’t know I do collect all types of coins from early American history to worldly currency. So if you have any lying around, I will take them.

See you when I get back!

P.S. We are taking our van, not the F-14, The F-14 needs an oil change.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Healing Rain - One Home At A Time

Tonight, I was just sitting here in front of the computer making sure I got everything done and my ducks in a row before I leave for the Weekend To Remember conference this weekend.
I started to fall asleep and I wasn’t ready to go to bed yet, so I decided to look at some music videos. When I came across this song and video by Michael W. Smith, I’ve heard the song tons of times on the radio, but never seen the video until tonight. It got me thinking about the “marriage / family” conference. And the many, many lives God is going to touch this weekend. As a Minister of Families and Children, I see so much pain and despair in so many eyes of children and husbands and wives. I pray that this weekend that God will move in the hearts of the families that are going from my church. And I even pray harder that maybe one day we as a body of believers can start to change the mind set of this nation and this world, so that we can save a generation, one home at a time.

Anakin Skywalker

This was pretty cool video. I like the Star Wars movies.

Weekend To Remember

Well, the conference is now upon us. I am pretty excited about going away for the weekend with Cathy ( I am starting to feel a little over-whelmed and so is she I think). I am pretty sure we are going to have fun, as well as learn about God’s plan for marriage that we can bring back and share with other couples.
What is even more exciting is that three other couples from our church are attending the conference as well. I think the exciting time is going to be on Saturday night when we are let go from the conference early and have a “date-night” Wahoo… I feel like I am sixteen again, and on a date with my sweetie, (except we are both in our 30’s and we have two kids and one on the way (in a matter of weeks), and we both are sleepy by 10pm.)
Either way, I am looking forward to it.