Thanks so much and remember…
“Look up in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Superman!”
It is around 12:20am on a Sunday night. I was up with Cathy as she was feeding Alexander. She is back asleep now and I am thinking about some things. As I sit here just thinking. I am brought back to when I took over the Student Ministry at Antioch Mills. That was way back in January of 2001 and now it is April of 2007 and I am the new Minister of Family and Children. It is hard to believe I am working towards my 7th year here at Antioch. I seen a lot of Youth Ministers come and go through out Harrison County and other surrounding counties. I have seen a lot of changes take place and lives changed some for the better and some for the worse. And as I was thinking about all that something popped into my head.
I had a friend of mine stop by today to hang out and see Alexander (I won’t give the name, don’t want to embarrass them) Anyway, this friend of mine and myself were checking out You-Tube and watching some funny things like “Goofy Cheerleaders” and “The Star Wars Kid.” But then something after that caught my attention. My friend showed my their “My-Space” page and as I was reading my friend’s “likes and dislikes,” it came to the part that asked you to “list your heroes” As I was reading how my friend’s heroes were Jesus and their family I noticed that my friend put “Lonnie Love” as their hero.
I was blown away!! I knew me and my pal were friends but I had know idea I was a “hero” in their eyes. That made me feel so special. It is funny, you go through your daily chores of life, trying to make this rock, this spinning sphere of fun and adventure bearable and live a Christ like example and when you least expect it. You become someone’s hero…
Thanks Lois Lane……
I received a couple of encouraging emails from some friends of mine tonight (thanks Cindy and Margaret). It was really nice to see that people do care what I do. I know I am a goofy person a lot of the times. But I also know that God has given me a gift. The ability to reach lost souls with humor and honesty, I know I am not a gifted writer or speaker. And I know am definitely not a singer. But to hear people tell me they appreciate what I do for their children makes me feel just as special. With that in mind, I found this video from a movie called Casper the Friendly Ghost. I like the song and I thought it would be cool to post it and say, “Thank you to everyone who reads this blog and I am glad I can make you smile. PS. I think this is going to be the week. Cathy went to the movies with her friend and everyone says you have a burst of energy before it happens.
We will see!