The Rock Says…..
Well it’s Sunday afternoon. Cathy, Alexander and Landon are napping. Brady is outside playing B-ball with the neighbors and I am doing some laundry. Things are pretty quiet right now so I thought I would take this time to surf the net (You-Tube) and blog. We had some leftover meatloaf for lunch, but I decided to eat some “stuffed-peppers” instead. There isn’t anything good on TV. I hear Cathy stirring around upstairs and so does my dog Ressie-Cup. We don’t have a buzzer on the dryer to let us know when the clothes are done so I have to periodically check on them. I would use the clock to let me know when an hour and ½ is up, but these clothes are already dry, I am just “re-fluffing” them.
So, why the title “The Rock Says?” Well I like the Rock he is one of my favorite movie stars/ex-wrestler. And I have his book, The Rock Says here in front of me on my desk.
Well, keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.
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