If Need Be…
I know after my last post, a lot of people might be wondering, “how could a Christian Minister of Children and Families, be so aggressive and violent.” Honestly I am not as violent as the post seemed. I love Jesus with all my heart and I will “turn the other cheek” every chance I get. But I would also like to remind you that we live in an evil world and if I may, like to leave you with this quote.
“A good shepherd will always protect his sheep, and sometimes he might have to fight the wolf!”
I am in total agreement about turning the other cheek when you can, but I believe that if you had done that last night that Red-Man would have hit you in that one twice as hard. Seriously, you did great last night we'll just try and make sure that you don't start coming to church with a Bible in one hand and a baton in the other.
Did that picture represent a
lamb to the slaughter?
Is that how you felt up against the red man?????
Just put on your superman suit
and try it again !!!!!!
What happened to my nice loveable, peacemaker, quiet son?..Lookout world, the next WALKING TALL...
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