Arms Wide Open...
The other day I was going through some music videos getting ready for yet another “True Lies-The Dangers of Music Movies and TV” class. I came across this video I haven’t really seen in quite some time. The song is by a group that was around in the early part of 2000. They were known as CREED...
As I was watching the video to the song “Arms Wide Open” I started thinking about my own kids... (If you never heard the song, it is about a father talking to his unborn son)...Any way, there I am watching this video and all I can think about were my three boys. There is one part in the song that sort of sticks out it go like this.
“If I can have just one wish, maybe one request, I hope he (the son) is not like me,
I hope he understands, that you can take this world and hold it by both hands, and you can greet this world… with arms wide open”
I don’t know how I am doing as a father... I am still new to all of this, in less then 4 years I became a dad to a “pre-teen” a “toddler” and a “newborn” I just hope that they can understand why I do what I have to do and sometimes daddy maybe is too strict, and why I want them to “greet this world, with arms wide open”