Ok about 2 years ago.. I took some time off and build the boys a tree house on stilts. It is pretty neat looking it has windows and furniture in it. I also attached a slide and 3 swings to it to give it a more family friendly look. I painted it red and made it look really pretty. I noticed some “wasted” area behind and off to the right of the club house, so I thought I would build a little bon fire pit with benches and stuff. So, the day came when it was completed, I decided that Brady and I would camp out in it and build a small “marsh- mellow roasting” fire. I am serious when I say small, the flame was no bigger then a candle. Any way “Old man river” called the Fire Dept. on me. Then he proceeded to come over with his son (who is about 30ish) and he and his 30ish son insist that the smoke was affecting his daughter’s asthma. Then the 30ish dad preceded TO PUT OUT HIS CIGARETTE!!
Then last week he called the city and informed them that (according to the letter from the city council) that my yard was “UNHEALTHY” and that the “Vegetation” was too long” So we spent last weekend “fixing” the problems. I still notice “Old man river” driving up and down his “road” looking at my yard..
I guess some people are born to be mean.. Anyway to “Old man river” You have a blessed day my friend!!
(This story is for you Mark – haha)
1 comment:
Old Man River doesnt have a life anylonger...Your yard is the only thing that he lives for!..Maybe if you had invited Old Man River too your marshmellow roast things would have been different...But remember what your dad and I have always said..(THERE IS ONE ON EVERY STREET)The crabby neighbor...
P.S.Smile when ever you see him and let him wonder what is going to happen next...
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