Well it is Wednesday and I am sitting in my office.. about to get ready for the meal and Bible Study here at the church..but first I just wanted to give a little shout- out to an avid reader of "Love - Letters"
I am talking about my good friend "Chief Posey".. I just had lunch with him yesterday and we were having a good ole time..
He just became the new Chief of Police in our town.. and I wish him the best of luck.. I am 100% positive that he will do a excellent job!!...
So here's to you partner.. and if you see a green Buick with duct tape on the front and back window speeding threw town.. Remember what you read here !!! (haha)
Well I'm pretty sure that you're safe with me because it seems that I spend most of the time in the office these days, but I'll pass the word on to the other officers. Just remember that if you do get stopped not to use the story that I told during lunch to try and get out of it.
not only are the windows duct taped, but the motor mounds are super-glued in place,so watch out for Lonnie when he drives through Falmouth....
His Momma!
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