Before I tell this story, I have to take you back to about 4 weeks ago. It was brought to my attention that there was a ministry opportunity in my own back yard that I knew nothing about,and that was because, the problem was I wasn't looking. When I finally opened my heart as well as my eyes. I saw God. During our VBS, I was given an amazing gift, I had the chance to share the love of Christ with some children and their parents, who, other wised would of just spent that week at home or at a fair. (yea, I was crazy enough to have a VBS during two county fairs).. Isn't it cool!!
Anyway, back to my story. for the past month our church has been picking them up and taking them to church and on youth trips.. (want to make adults laugh or pull their hair out, bring 27 kids to MacDonald's then the movie!!!)
Well, that brings me to tonight.
We had our regular Wednesday night Bible study, and we brought some kids back to church to have fun and do our lesson, when one little girl asked me. "What is baptism"?..
As I began to tell the story of the love of Jesus Christ to this little girl, (this is what brought tears to my eyes and they are still flowing), her eyes started to dance like falling stars!! This young girl was so excited and happy that she has a Heavenly Father who loves her that she made me feel so loved for telling her.
To be honest, I cannot put into words what this little girl made me feel like, You have to experience it yourself, how do you do that you wonder? Simple, "listen with your heart, and your eyes. Not your ears or check book." to a child.
I was told once,
"If you can make a child smile, you had a great day"!