Thursday, July 10, 2008

How Do You Tell This Story

This week was our Vacation Bible School, and tomorrow is our last night. I am sitting at my home desk at half past midnight, knowing that I have to get up in about six hours, trying to figure out how do I tell this story.
This is a story of amazing victory!!. About three months ago, I planned our VBS, unaware that, I had scheduled it during the Pendleton County Fair, and the Harrison County Fair! Yea, you read it right, I planned a VBS in the middle of the two biggest attractions in our community. I was told numerous times, that I must of been "smoking crack"!

Our VBS was the biggest in years!!!.. I just don't mean numbers, I mean life changing decisions! We had to use three church buses to bring the kids in!!

I can't put into words what I experienced this week, but I know I wasn't the only one.. Our volunteers got a little "jolt from the Holy Spirit too.... and they did a GREAT JOB!!
and on a personal note, for a long time I was struggling with where I belong, I was trying so hard to be the "perfect Family Minister", you know, saving marriages, saving homes, saving the world! that I forgot that I was chosen by God himself to be a Children's Minister, I fell in love with Children's Ministry over ten years ago, and I knew that God had a plan for my life then, but just like everything else in this life, we get used to just "surviving".. Well I don't want to just survive anymore.. I want to LIVE.. and live strong..

So to all my VBS workers.. this is for you.. Thanks..

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