Well, we had an interesting night at out house on Tuesday. Seems like Landon has a wee-bit problem not doing as he is told and back-talking.
Normally I would understand being he is still small, but he will be four years old in a few months so we have to start breaking him of this habit.
You see Tuesday night, Cathy told Landon it was time for bed and he told her, "Hush! you don't tell me, in fact, YOU go to bed Mommy"!
Well it seems he has been "mouthy" all day so Cathy took him into the kitchen sat him down on the floor and put a drop of "Joy" dish liquid on his tongue, and explain that we don't talk like that to Mommy.
Well, after it was done, I started to laugh to myself, because, Landon is always singing that song "I got the joy, joy, joy, down in my heart"!
So I started singing..
"I got the "JOY" joy, joy down in my heart.
I think he is learning his lesson.
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