Today my heart broke for a young girl I never even met, though I was heart broken of the news I had heard of her situation, what made my heart break even more was she doesn't know Him. As I sat in my car weeping for this young woman, whom I never spoken to, I started thinking about my own childhood & teen years, trying to remember everything I was ever taught.
I was taught to have proper manners at the dinner table, I was taught to have respect for my elders and those who have authority over me, I was taught to stand up to bullies and defend those who are weak, but, was I ever taught about Him?
My parents are amazing, they raised seven children, took us to little league, and football practice, made sure we all completed high school, and supported anything we choose to do or become. But, was I ever taught about Him?
I was taught there is a God, I was taught there is a place called Heaven and my grandparents are there, but was I ever taught about Him?
Now I am grown up with three kids or my own. I teach my kids about proper manners at the dinner table, to respect their elders and those who have authority over them, to do well in school and defend those who are weak, But am I teaching them about Him?
Am I living a life that teaches my children about Him? Am I giving enough love to their mother that reflects the love from Him? Am I extended grace to those who need it, and maybe not deserve it, like grace was shown to me when I didn't deserve it.
The Bible reminds us in Matthew 28:19-20
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
The good news of this story is that there is still time. How much time, we will never know, but today you and I have time to teach, to teach our children, to teach our neighbors, to teach our coworkers, to teach our friends and family, and more importantly, to teach ourselves about Him.
Go teach!
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