From The Desk of a Geek:
To The Batcave..!!
Holy anniversary, Batman! It’s been 55 years since the Batman TV series burst onto our screens, catapulting Batman, Robin and a cavalcade of fearsome foes into viewers’ homes. Its run may have been relatively brief three series and one movie, and its budget minuscule in comparison to Batman’s later big-screen appearances, but the impact of this show shouldn’t be underestimated.
Here are a few reasons why Batman '66 was the best
Adam West as The Batman-
It’s probably fair to say that none of the big-screen Batmen since Michael Keaton donned the cowl in 1989’s “Batman” are fully convinced in the role as much as the late great Adam West.
Vehicle Design-
Over the years, there have been numerous Batmobiles in comics and film, from barely-modified cars to armored tanks. Although there’s much discussion about which vehicle is the greatest, it’s really no contest: the Batmobile from the TV series is the clear winner. For starters, it looks beautiful, having an instantly recognizable design. Then there are all the gadgets contained within, including the Emergency Bat-turn lever
Bat Gadgets -
Adam West’s Batman certainly loved his gadgets. As well as the gazillion gadgets secreted inside his utility belt, the Batmobile was chock-full-to-bursting with all manner of devices. One of the most entertaining things about scenes set inside the Batcave is that they offered a chance to see some of the gadgets stored within, made possible by Batman’s helpful tendency to label even the most innocuous of items.
Of course there are numerous other things that make Batman '66 an iconic staple in television and comic book entertainment:
The Bat Cave
Batman’s Utility Belt and so on.
Noah, Moses, David, Peter, Mary, Jesus…these are names we all know well. They are the subject of the well-known Bible stories heard in the church nursery and long into our adulthood.
Like Batman '66, the Bible contains narratives about countless people who were part of God’s redemptive story—people who get overlooked when we focus on the more well-known names.
Deborah (Judges 4-5): Deborah was the sole female judge of Israel in the days prior to the Jewish monarchy. She was a bold leader and prophetess, who declared God’s truth to His wayward people. Not only did she gather Israel together in unity, she used her God-given wisdom to guide Israel into victory. Together with her military leader, Barak, Deborah led Israel against the army of Sisera and the Lord completely defeated the enemy. When Sisera fled from the defeat, he met with Jael– another strong woman of God who helped accomplish His purpose in that generation
Mordecai (Book of Esther): You might be familiar with Mordecai if you’ve read the book of Esther; he is Esther’s uncle. Though we often focus on Esther in this book, Mordecai is an incredible man of God. It is his advice that encourages Esther to approach King Xerxes with her appeal. Mordecai was known for his good character and work ethic even though he was working for a king who did not love the Lord. Because of his faithfulness, Mordecai is honored by the king.
Philip (Acts 8): Moving to the New Testament, we meet Philip, one of Jesus’ disciples whom He specifically called to be part of the Twelve. Philip was known as The Evangelist, partially because of how he shared the gospel with the Ethiopian courtier in Acts chapter eight. Philip was quick to take an opportunity to share the gospel and explain God’s Word to someone who didn’t yet understand it.
Priscilla (Acts 18): Last but not least, Priscilla is the wife of Aquila and friend to the apostle Paul. Priscilla is mentioned throughout the books of Acts and Romans. She served the church alongside her husband and played a role in the advancement of the gospel in those treacherous early years. She also helped teach Apollos, another early missionary and teacher, correct theology so he could continue to draw people to the Lord.
There are many more characters in Scripture who could be included in this list. Next time you read the Word, keep an eye out for those little-known people who play a part in God’s redemption story
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