Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Be The Hero

From The Desk of a Geek:

Be The Hero

 "No Matter How Much Someone Has Hurt You Or Betrayed You Or How Much It Seems That Someone Is Evil, At Their Core, Everyone Is Worth Saving."
(Clark Kent)

Have you noticed our fascination with superheroes? They are a cultural phenomenon. They are the subjects of comic books and blockbuster movies. It is not uncommon to see someone dress up as their favorite superhero.

But what is it that makes these superheroes so fascinating? Their super power is the obvious answer. Each super hero has a unique ability that sets them apart from the rest of us. Their super power is something that makes them special.
A second reason we are fascinated with these superheroes is that they are equally human. 
They have their struggles and they have their flaws. We are able to identify with them and we are encouraged by their ability to overcome the obstacles in front of them.
A third reason is they are heroes. We love our heroes. On November 11th we celebrated our American military heroes who sacrifice so much for the cause of freedom. 
We celebrate our heroes and they inspire us. Even though superheroes may live in the fantasy world, they give hope in the darkest moments. They remind us that good will triumph over evil.

As I talk about superheroes, I am reminded how Jesus is the ultimate superhero. He has amazing superpowers. His powers are to heal the sick, cast out demons, make the lame to walk, and raise the dead. 
The best thing about his powers are they are real and not make-believe.
Beyond his superpowers, Jesus is amazingly human. He is God made flesh. He became one of us. He emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of man.
We can relate to Jesus. Even though he is all-powerful and clothed in majesty, he disguised himself in human flesh that we might know God and live in relationship with him.
He is our hero. He won salvation. He saves us from ourselves, from sin, from Satan, and from death. He won the victory over the grave through his resurrection. He took our sin upon himself and received our punishment, so that we might be free from guilt. We simply believe in him as our saving superhero.
Yes, Jesus is the original and ultimate superhero, but here is something else you need to know: he has given you a mission to also live as a superhero in this world. 

Through his Holy Spirit you are given powers and abilities beyond your own strength and wisdom. You are empowered and anointed with his presence. He supernaturally equips you for every task he assigns.
While Superman’s weakness was Kryptonite, our weakness is doubt. We doubt the supernatural ability God gives. We believe God can, but we doubt he will. It is much easier to sit back and blend in than it is to stand up and stand out. 

You probably have noticed superheroes wear elaborate costumes. They stand out. The costume draws attention to their abilities. As superheroes are clothed with elaborate costumes, you are to be clothed with Christ. It is not to draw attention to yourself, but to draw attention to the power of Christ at work in you.
So how is your identity as a superhero for Christ revealed? 


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