Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Yesterday I turned 37; yea I couldn’t believe it either. But it was pretty good. I hung out with Landon and we watched the Wiggles when Cathy and Brady got home they made my “birthday meal” …sauerkraut and instant mashed-taters. Then Cathy went to her Bible study class, and after I put Landon to bed. I busted out my DVD of “La-Bamba,” which is a pretty good movie about Ritchie Valens…Anyway later that night I got a call from Cathy’s mom saying that a family in our church had their baby girl, which leads me to this blog…
So, Cathy and I went to Lexington today to visit this new little girl and the proud parents. It was a great trip, Cathy and I talked in the car and we ate lunch at “Backyard – Burger.”
When we got to the hospital and the birthing floor, we got our chance to see this precious little girl, she is so cute. And what is so very cool, is, we share the same BIRTHDAY!!! Oh and Abe Lincoln shares it with us as well.

So, welcome to the world little princess!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought of you but I didn't call because Milner thought It was next monday and I thought itwas this monday lol...so I didn't want to seem like a doofus. Happy Belated birthday. I miss ya. much love.