Sunday, February 28, 2021

From the Desk of a Geek

From the Desk of a Geek:

The Good Old Days

I sometimes sent and daydream what it would be like to live in certain places and time.

One of my favorite dreams is living in the 1930s and 1940s the sights and sounds of Swing, Jazz, night clubs, and dress up in a tuxedo for dinner and the theater.

Reflecting on the "good old days" can bring back warm thoughts and fond memories. But could longing for a lost past diminish the joy of the present and the hope God has in store for your future?

Sometimes you hear people talk about the "good old days"—a time when life was simpler, more carefree, without the troubles and confusion of today's world.

Do you ever long for the "good old days"?

When the "good old days" were depends on your frame of reference. Some would argue that the good old days were the 1930s, when life was simple and the country was built on church and family values.

Others might say it was the 1950s, when everyone seemed to enjoy a rapidly growing standard of living. Still others might look back on the 1980s as a time of prosperity and rejuvenation of national pride.

Were the good old days 1952? Postage stamps were only 3 cents, pocket-sized transistor radios hit retail stores and Singin' in the Rain was one of the top movies.
Of course, for the thousands suffering and dying in the Korean War, those days weren't so good.

Maybe you fondly remember 1964. The Beatles were all the rage, and John Wayne was a popular movie star. Science promised a future of leisure, with plenty of prepackaged food and no disease.
But then maybe you remember the fear you experienced as a child as you and your classmates practiced getting under your desks in case of thermonuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union. Some of you may remember having to sit in the back of the bus because of the color of your skin.

The truth is that human nature, and the human condition, have always been a mixture of good and evil. The good old days were never as good as they seem.

Do present financial uncertainties, family problems, political chaos, loss of spiritual purpose and deterioration of morality throughout society have you longing for some lost good old days?

Here are three steps you can take to allow God to make today meaningful and help you grasp the future He is offering you beyond today.

1. Seek God's future for your life.

2. Seek God's purpose in your life now.

3. Don't allow present difficulties to sidetrack you from the future God is planning for you.

Are you allowing today's problems to rob you of your present peace of mind and hope for the future?

God wants to clean up your life. He wants you to turn to Him as the source of life and as your Father. He wants you to be His child forever in His Kingdom. This is His future for you. The question being asked of you is this: Do you want His future by living His purpose in your life today? 


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